Delbert White

Delbert is a Groundskeeper for Bloomington Archery Club. He and Bill both do a great job.
Tony White

Tony White is our Vice President. He has served many positions at the club. He is a traditional and a compound bow shooter.
Tony Zizak

Tony is a Communications Officer for the club. He shoots both traditional and compound bows.
Randy Kieft

Randy is our Treasurer for the club. He is a Traditional shooter.
Kay Bastin

Kay is a Kitchen Officer for the club. You will always find her behind the counter at our shoots.
Mary White

Mary is serving as a Kitchen Officer for the club. H
Bud Kinser

Bud is serving as a Board Member under a 1 year agreement. He has served multiple roles at the club. He is an avid traditional shooter.
Bill Davison

Bill is a groundskeeper for the club. He has served as an officer for a long time. He shoot a traditional bow.
Eric Deckard

Eric Deckard is the President of Bloomington Archery Club. He shoots traditional bows. He has been a member for over 10 years.
Linda Kinser

Linda Kinser is a Communications Officer at Bloomington Archery. She shoots both traditional and a compound bow.